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805 420-8409

Translation, Interpretation, Education
Professional Services
Training and Consulting
Interpretation workshops for multilingual staff cater to individuals of all language proficiencies, offering a language-neutral learning environment that spans from foundational to advanced levels. Sample workshops include:
The Community Interpreter/The Medical Interpreter​ (40 hour certificate)​
Interpreting in Educational Settings
Interpreting in Special Education Settings: IEPs
Introduction to Community Interpretation
Customized skill building trainings
Workshops for staff, leaders and stakeholders in organizations who work with interpreters and translators. Participants will learn best practices to set up multilingual environments, work with interpreters and communicate effectively too foster more equitable communication. Sample workshops include:
​From Access to Justice: From Access to Justice: Creating Inclusive, Multilingual Spaces in Community Settings
Working with Interpreters in Special Education Settings
Language Access Consulting
Organization wide language justice assessment
Development of language access plans
Development of Language access handbook
Interpretation refers to the process of orally or visually (through sign) transferring message from a source language to a target language without adding, deleting or changing the message. Bridging Voices provides quality interpretation services between English and Spanish in a variety of community settings (remote and in person).
Examples of events we can interpret:
For Schools/Districts:
IEPs (Individualized Education Program) Meetings
Parent/Teacher Conferences
SARB Meetings (School Attendance Review Board)
Back to School Nights:
PTA Meetings
For Organizations/Businesses
Town Halls
Focus Groups
Translation is another tool for language access. It is the written process of transferring messages from a source language to a target language. Bridging Voices can work with your organization to translate internal documents, outreach materials, marketing and communications material.
Press releases
Social media posts
We also provide focus group transcription and translation.​
Other Services
The work of Bridging Voices is multifaceted and creative. Bridging Voices has worked with schools, non profit, health care, government, arts and other organizations with a variety of projects.
Services include:
Voice overs
Facilitation of focus groups
Design and facilitation of family and community engagement programs.
Facilitation of Cultural Humility programs​​
Contact us to see how we can support your organization's vision and needs.
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